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The fast fashion collection depicts the various harmful elements of the industry in which are commonly disregarded within society. It tackles the environmental issues, exploitation and the continuous supply and demand issue.
Liv Vacanti, Footprints, 30w x 54h
Highlighting the extensive carbon footprint as a result of the industries relation to globalisation and disposable waste

Liv Vacanti, Toxins, 29w x 42h
Depicting the various toxic chemicals and dyes used within the fast fashion industry, creating greater damage and risk to communities.

Orla Carter, I WANTED IT
Portraying the consumer demand problem within the market.

Liv Vacanti, The market, 37w x 49h
Showcasing the impact of trends on the fashion industry

Orla Carter, Worn innit,
Highlighting the addiction within the fast fashion market and the impact of intense advertisement

Liv Vacanti, Chemicals, 30.3w x 12.h cm
Drawing attention to the deeper problems of the toxic dyes imprinted on fabrics within the market.

Emily Collet, The cheap side 15w x 16h / 14w x 12h
exposing th the fast fashion

Liv Vacanti, Whats left
Reflecting the end result of the sweatshop tables

Emily Collet, We are Trash
Projecting accountability and reflecting who is to blame

Liv Vacanti, Environmental
Uncovering the excessive carbon footprint of the industry

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