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Clothing used to be changed as a result of the occasion or even the season, where as now trends and prices have altered our habits, turning buying clothes into hobbies. About 20 years ago was born the fast fashion industry, which saw clothes become cheaper and trend cycles move in speed. The idea to get the newest styles on the market or to match your favourite celebrity has become possible with the creation of the industry. It has formed the toxic cycle of fast production resulting in extensive damages.
They distinctive factors of fast fashion include the cheap, low quality materials in which impact the environmental cost of there creation, Likewise with the extremely quick turnaround between a garment on catwalk or media to hitting the shelves of well known shops today.
The impact of fast fashion is seen to be extensive, with the continuous demand for the cheap clothes increasing. While disregarding the negative environmental effects. One of the main element used are the toxic textile dyes produced, in which are commonly dangerous and a hazard, making the industry the second largest polluter of water. Further the constant demand means there is also increasing stress on other environmental concerns. This is evident with the land clearing and biodiversity. Moreover the speed at which there being produced also creates a huge amount of textile waste.
This is seen to be dumped by consumers who are in hope of following the next trend or purchasing some cheap new clothes. The environmental impact the fast fashion industry has is seen to be significant from toxic dyes, produced at a high speed and the extensive amount of waste.

Furthermore the industry not only has a extreme impact upon the environmental cost but the human cost to. Fast fashion workers are seen to work in the most dangerous environments being subjected to low wages and little basic human rights. Many of these workers are often women, who are stuck being abused by the cycle.
Animals are also seen to be impacted by the trend in which animal welfare is quickly and quietly disregarded. This is portrayed through the high amount of animal products used within the market, such as fur and leather products. Meanwhile the industry effects animals in another format by commonly releasing the toxic dyes into there main waterways. The dangerous dyes are often ingested by them, causing even further harm.

When reflecting on who are the biggest players associated with fast fashion there are a number of brands responsible. The most common retailers involved are H&M, Zara, Primark and Topshop. In some sense these shops summarise where many of us go to shop, whilst also contritbuting to the problems of the fast fashion industry.
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